We thought you'd like to see some updated pictures of Shaelyn, so here they are (in no particular order):

We read the Book of Mormon together every night as a family. Shaelyn is listening intently to Mommy reading from "The Book of Mormon for Latter-day Saint Families". She likes learning about Nephi and his family.
It snowed in North Carolina last week. Shaelyn did not want to wear her furry snow outfit, so she is not too happy in this picture. But we had to capture her outside with her first snowfall!
Naked baby! Here she is getting changed. She was so cute I couldn't resist taking a picture!
I just love being a mom and sharing all these moments with Shaelyn. It's so fun to see her grow and learn about the world around her. Aside from the fact that I can never sleep for more than 3 hours at a time, motherhood is great!