While my parents were out here visiting the baby, we drove down to Pageland, SC to visit my dad's parents (Ahma and Papa). I haven't seen them since having the baby, so I was very excited for them to meet their newest great-granddaughter. This makes 3 great-grandbabies for them - all girls! They were absolutely adorable playing with Shaelyn. And she really enjoyed them, too. In fact, she got into a fit of the giggles when my Ahma was holding and playing with her. So while I was there, I had to take some pictures of the 4 generations - my grandparents, my dad, me, and Shaelyn.

You can also see in these pictures the little bracelet that Shaelyn is wearing. My friend, Karen, who has a little boy about Shaelyn's age, made that bracelet and three others for Shaelyn. Thanks Karen! Shaelyn loves wearing them - they make her feel like a "lady". (That was for you, Shannon.)