So Shaelyn can finally sit up - mostly all by herself!!! Which is great because she prefers sitting to laying, and before now you had to prop her up on the boppy pillow and sit right there with her for the fear that she would fall over. Now she can sit up without the boppy and rarely has a falling over incident. She can also sit up from laying on her back mostly by herself. Usually Michael or I stick out a finger for her to grab onto and pull herself up on, but lately, if you hold her feet down, she'll come up on her own like she's doing a sit up in PE class. I learned this put-your-hand-on-their-feet tactic from Kelly and Addie. Thanks guys! So of course I took a video of Shaelyn sitting up on her own, as well as a video as a video of Shaelyn playing once she is sitting up. I'm so proud of this girl!!!
New Year's Day Polar Plunge!
2 years ago