I love these hair clips! I've tried about every kind out there, and they always slip out of Shaelyn's baby-fine hair. But she really needs clips - her hair hasn't figured out how to grow backwards yet, so her "bangs" are constantly in her eyes unless I'm able to bull them back. Lately, I've been shopping etsy.com - it's fabulous if you haven't already figured that out for yourself. I'm thinking of opening an etsy shop myself... Anyway, I found these clips there, and I highly recommend them. She makes them in "itty bitty" sizes and "big girl" sizes. I got the clips in the itty bitty size for Shaelyn - even though her hair is longer, it's baby fine and she needs a little clip. But there are some clips that I'm planning on getting in a big girl size - for myself! These clips DO NOT FALL OUT! The only time the clips come out of Shaelyn's hair is if she or another baby pull them out. All the clips are $6.50, and you can request any clip in any size. While I'm partial to the ladybug, my favorite clip is the monogrammed clip - just tell her what intial you want on it and she'll custome make it for you. And shipping is $1.50 + $0.25 for each additional item. For the quality - it's a bargain! Let me know how much you love these clips, too!
New Year's Day Polar Plunge!
2 years ago