Last night, while putting Shaelyn to bed, Michael told her that Mommy was going on a special trip and she would get to play with Daddy all weekend. Shaelyn understood. Nodding her head, she said, "Mommy go to hospital."
No, sweetheart. Mommy's going somewhere much better this time. I showed Shaelyn this picture of where I was going and she excitedly exclaimed, "Oooh! Cinderella's Castle!"

Early this morning I woke up to a smiling, cooing baby next to me in bed. And a smiling, giggling toddler who had snuck into bed with me this morning. I think they both knew I was leaving today and wanted to give me extra incentive to stay home. Or at least second guess my decision to leave.
But now they are both crying, and I remember why I'm so psyched to go.
Who knows. Maybe I will feel like Cinderella when I visit "her" castle. But I already found Prince Charming. He's the one spending the next two days at home, changing diapers, drying tears, administering round-the-clock feedings, and making sure there's cat food in the bowl. I think I'll miss him the most.