Women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. . . . She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her. . . . Sisters, you are each like the lioness at the gate. This means that there has to be some prioritizing. I was taught years ago that when our priorities are out of order, we lose power. If we need power and influence to carry out our mission, then our priorities have to be straight.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Don't Want to Hear It!!

I got this email from Grapefruit a few days ago:

"Are you going [to see Harry Potter] at midnight, dressed up in costume? You would. You better! That is the impression you've given off as the biggest Potter fan out there. Don't let us down!"

And then this voicemail from her this morning:

"Just calling to hear your review from the midnight showing I'm just sure you went to last night. How was it?"

Let me just say, if you don't know that I. Heart. Harry. Potter. then you haven't spent more than 5 minutes in my company. Because I can always somehow find a way to tie in whatever we're talking about to some detail about my most loved series. It's pretty easy to do, when you've read the whole series at least 20* times.

*Disclaimer: Not really 20 times. More like 8 or 9. I read really fast, people! And I've been nursing babies for the last 3 years of my life.

Michael came home from work yesterday to tell me that the movie theater by our house was hosting a Potter-thon, showing all 5 movies back to back on the big screen, leading up to the midnight showing of number 6. My heart broke with jealousy. There was a time when I would have been there. Front of the line. With my Harry Potter glasses on and my lightning scar on my forehead. I would have taken the day off of work (maybe even two - for recuperation purposes) and enjoyed escaping into the world of Hogwarts (which is real by the way, no matter what any of you try to tell me...)

But now I have kids. Who are too young to know about, appreciate, or understand all things Harry Potter. And my love for those things. They are also the reason I wasn't at the Potter-thon. Or the midnight showing.

My two babysitters are out of town. (Well, not so much babysitters as good friends of mine - you know who you are.) Michael has all his church meetings on Wednesday nights. My friend who graciously agreed to watch the kiddos couldn't watch them on Thursday. Which leaves me with two tickets for a Friday late-afternoon showing. Not really the time-stamp of a die-hard Potter fan.

So imagine my surprise when I called Grapefruit back today, only to find out that she has tickets for Thursday. To an outsider, not a big deal. But this is my friend who only just read the series THIS YEAR, and only after 8 years of me lauding its praises. SHE gets to see the movie before ME?!?

Her response:

"You FRAUD!" She says I can no longer claim my title as Harry Potter enthusiast. She says her world is crashing down around her as she knows it, my identity forever lost in a sea of confusion and lies. She says she doesn't know if our friendship can survive this betrayal.

My response:

See subject line above.