Rachelle was crying in her high chair (because I had stepped out of her line of sight...) while Shaelyn was sitting next to her at the table. Shaelyn was talking to her, saying "It's ok Rah-shay-uhl" and "You don't have to cry" and "You can be happy."
Then she stopped crying (because I walked back into her line of sight...) and Shaelyn said
"You make a good choice!"
Not laugh out loud funny, but heartwarming - and proof that all the work we've been doing with Shaelyn has been paying off!
Shaelyn has turned into a choreographer. Shaelyn always wants us to hold her hands and spin around when there's music on - she thinks this is the only way to dance with us. But we get too dizzy and have been encouraging her to dance by herself next to us. Today she made up her own dance and then choreographed Michael:
Reach up uh the sky! Twist your fingers! Jump high! Turn round and round!
Tonight was a full moon - and it was BIG. I wanted Shaelyn to see it, so we went outside and I crouched down next to her so my eyes would be on the same level as hers. I pointed up to the sky and said "Do you see the moon?" Shaelyn crouched down too and pointed up and said, "Do you?"
Shaelyn looked downstairs at the preschool set up in our living room and gasped. She was so excited. Michael asked her what she could see, and she first commented on the moon and stars hanging from the ceiling.
Then she said: "It's all clean! Happy Birthday!"
Apparently the only time I clean my house is when it's someone's birthday. Hilarious! (And that might be more accurate than I want to admit...)
Shaelyn has started calling Rachelle "Rah-shay-uhl." I think she knows Michael and I think this is funny, so she does it ALL THE TIME now. It sounds SO southern. She has actually developed quite the Southern accent and says words like "Bah-ow Wah-ow" (for bow wow) and "mah-uhl" (for mail). Quite hilarious!
During lunch, this chip became a magic carpet, a slide, and baby Jesus Christ. (She thinks that's his name, so she doesn't just call him baby Jesus anymore when we read nativity stories.) I love how imaginative she is. And that it's not inappropriate for a 2-year-old to think something is baby Jesus and a slide.
Shaelyn really loves her shadow, and gets excited every time she sees it. Here she is "Shadow Dancing" - spurred on by my awesome rap!
Shaelyn has a Tigger toothbrush. Lately after brushing her teeth, she likes to look at him, point out all his body parts, then find her own matching parts.
"Tigger have eyes, Shaelyn have eyes..."
Tonight she discovered one major difference between her and Tigger:
"Tigger have a tail. Shaelyn have a bum bum!"
Sunday afternoon in the blue room. Girls happy and playing. Life couldn't be better.
Shaelyn has been a pro at keeping her room and the blue room clean. Today Rachelle started pulling books off the shelf in the blue room. It irritated Shaelyn because it was making a mess. "Stop it baby! Stop it Chelle!" she started to say. Then, "Stop it CHILD! You making a BIG MESS!" Busted - I call both of the girls "child" or "kid" when I'm aggravated at them!
Tonight Shaelyn was in full "mimic Mommy" mode. She pretend-called Grammy, Paw Paw, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Chan Chan, Uncle Sam, Baby David, and Baby Trevor (dubbed by her - "my people"). Each time, she talked to each person for a few seconds, then said "you wanna talk to her" and hold the phone out for me to talk to them. The first time, I tried to grab the phone from her to "talk" to these people, but she wouldn't let me take the phone. She was doing what I do with her - putting it on speaker phone and holding it out for me to talk into. She even prompted me with what to say. "Say 'I love you.' Say 'I miss you.'"
She also had her baby doll and was in full Mommy mode. She's never really done this before - at least not as full out as she did. She rocked the baby and "shhh"ed her. She "nursed" her - and told me, "I'm feeding her my milk." She even had to feed her on the "other side." She told her to "please be quiet. You hurting my head." (Whoops! Guilty!)
Shaelyn has been on a clean up streak. She LOVES it. Wants to clean everything. Although sometimes her cleaning really just makes a bigger mess:
Today was the primary program at church. We told Shaelyn that the kids (some of them her friends that she plays with!) would be singing us songs and telling us about Jesus. She was really excited (and strangely enough, didn't try to go up on the stand herself). But when they started singing their first song, she decided she needed to sing too. She grabbed a hymn book, stood up on the pew (because they were standing to sing) and started "singing" along with them. Awesome! Can't wait til next year - when she's part of the program as a BIG SUNBEAM!
As part of Shaelyn's imaginary play, she has turned the easel into a "bank." Her red car (that she drives everywhere) fits under the easel, and the space between the trays and the chalkboard are perfect for the "drive thru." Today she told me she had to run errands, then drove through the bank, then stuck her hand out the slat and told me she needed a lollipop. That's what she thinks the bank is - the place where you go to get lollipops!
Went to Walmart today (bah!) and got Shaelyn a Happy Meal at the in-store McD's (because I was an unprepared mother and she was hungry). But good news - the toy was a small My Little Pony. She already has two, so she's starting quite the collection. I presented her pony to her and asked her what she wanted to name it.
S: Gog!
Me: Gog?
S: Yeah. Gog.
I've been trying to read more to Rachelle lately. Shaelyn has picked up on this trend and has started reading to her too. Today in the blue room, she grabbed a book, went to Rachelle, and said, "Here's a book for babies. It's Sleeping Beauty for babies." She opened it up, read "Once upon a time" and read the whole thing to her.
Only thing... the book she was actually reading: