Gosh, I'm in such a blogging funk right now. I have a lot of things to blog about. The new preschool that I'm doing from my home. The fun trip we took to the National Naval Air Museum while we were in Pensacola. A tribute to my late PawPaw, who I love and miss dearly. All the turkey stuff Shaelyn and I have been making in an effort to try to make Thanksgiving as much fun as Halloween and Christmas. Even a simple, stupid post about how I spend $53 at Target this week buying children's medicine and a new humidifier.
And yet, I just don't have it in me to post any of it. I haven't even been keeping my daily journal updated. Because it takes work. And creative energy. And I'm feeling really drained right now. Partially because I've been dealing with two sick kids this week. And partially because I'm not feeling so hot myself. And partially because this time of the year just does that to me. Overbooked, overtired, overspent...
Just this weekend, we have had 4 social engagements (that we planned, mind you!), missed some friends stopping by our house (that we were expecting) because we were double booked, and had to say no to babysitting some friends' kids (and I hate doing that) because we were so busy. And looking at our calendar, Michael and I have something planned every weekend between now and the end of the year. I'm sure you all feel the same way.
So it's funny that I say this is my favorite time of the year. But it is. The kid in me just squeals with glee over seeing Christmas lights in the neighborhood, eating turkey and pumpkin pie, buying, giving and receiving gifts, making crafts and decorating the house. The only problem is that all of those things take work. And preplanning. And energy, time, money, etc. So the adult in me gets tired and run down.
Next week, I'm looking forward to eating Thanksgiving, watching New Moon, and buying a digital camera on Black Friday. Well, not really the last one. The adult and the kid in me is dreading that...
New Year's Day Polar Plunge!
2 years ago