... here would be my two latest status updates:
Yesterday I got a drink from the FUTURE!You see, technology is taking over everything, including soda fountain dispensers in restaurants. (This will also tell you how much we eat out. Read: NEVER.) I took the kids to Moe's on a whim to get some kinda-decent Mexican food that was not cooked by me. When I walked over to where the drink dispenser usually was, I found myself confused. There was a tiny (comparably) red Coke machine that looked like it would give you only ice. Only upon inspection did I realize that it was a touch-screen, and that it could basically deliver on any drink your heart could conjure.
Lemonade? Yes please! Which flavor? Orange, grape, raspberry, strawberry, lime...?
When it delivered a perfectly balanced strawberry lemonade, I wanted to hug it.
Shaelyn called it an iPad that gives you drinks.
I contributed to a Presidential campaign for the first time.I have never financially supported a candidate, but Mitt just had the perfect sticker for my car. (Whoops, my policy to keep my blog politics-free just went right out the window...)
Can I add Ann Romney to my short list of heroes? Right now, that list only includes Marjorie Hinckley and, of course, Julie Beck. But pretty soon it might include a classy First Lady. And I'm not talking about the one who likes to show off her toned arms.
I really hope when I'm a grandma, I can have a birthday video like this made for me.