All the boys in my neighborhood above the age of 8 have pellet guns. Which means all the parents in my neighborhood individually decided that this was a good idea. And that makes me dislike them. (The parents, the kids, and the pellet guns.)
This was the big Christmas present last year. And suddenly Michael and I began to find little colored glass beads in our yard, in our driveway, even occasionally on our front porch. Michael was immediately furious and wanted to have a "talking to" with any male over the age of 6 in a 10 mile radius.
I was a little more forgiving and felt like I wanted our neighborhood to be kid-friendly, and that meant making certain concessions. Plus, wouldn't our kids do things that annoyed our neighbors in the future? Won't our kids eventually have loud teenaged parties that involve talking (and sometimes screaming) in the backyard past (*GASP*) 8:30? And even now, our children walk into other people's yards to snatch rocks or leaves or other "treasures" before I can stop them. Wouldn't it be hypocritical of me to get annoyed at these boys?
Let it be stated for the record, I am officially annoyed. And I'm afraid all my rantings about it just sealed my fate as a grumpy old woman.
Today I was in the garage when I heard a very loud popping sound. It sounded like a spring had come loose and was on a trajectory path toward my head. I quickly looked around for the source. Then heard it again. And again. And suddenly I realized...
"Those darn kids!"
I went outside and told the boys to please stop shooting at my garage. I know these are little pellets, but I really don't want any damage done to my house because your parents are irresponsible! (Ok, I omitted that last part. But definitely thought it.)
The girls and I then went out to play in the backyard. I saw young boys repeatedly running through my front yard, hiding behind my sideyard trees, and ducking behind my trash cans. And even though they've been doing this for a while, today it bothered me.
Why can't they go to the schoolyard that is less than 2 blocks away and shoot these things out on the soccer or baseball field? Or why can't their parents get a brain in their head and take them away? Am I really that grumpy and old that I'm the only one (besides my even grumpier and older husband) who thinks that these things are not fit for neighborhood play?
And while I'm on the subject of being grumpy...
I've been home all week sick with no energy for anything except laying on the couch and reading. A perfect time for Mockingjay to be released, wouldn't you say? Except that I let my husband talk me into ordering it on Amazon for $9 instead of buying in the store for $15. Granted, I haven't left my house all week, but I would have driven to Barnes and Noble for this. As it stands, my copy hasn't even shipped yet. By the time I get it, I'll be better, preschool will have started, and I'll have no time to read it...
So don't tell me what happens. Or then you'll make me really grumpy!
New Year's Day Polar Plunge!
2 years ago