Women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. . . . She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her. . . . Sisters, you are each like the lioness at the gate. This means that there has to be some prioritizing. I was taught years ago that when our priorities are out of order, we lose power. If we need power and influence to carry out our mission, then our priorities have to be straight.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Doctor Visit and Pictures

Shaelyn went to her 2-month doctor visit on Friday. The first part of the visit went very well. Shaelyn is just such a happy baby that it makes things like doctor's visits very easy. I fed her while we waited for the doctor in the room so she would have a full tummy. This turned out to be a smarter idea then I thought because she fell asleep after the visit and was able to stay asleep for several hours. Anyway, we LOVE our pediatrician! He is very nice and puts us at ease. Shaelyn really seems to like him too, which is important to me. First she got weighed and measured. She was 10 lbs, 8 oz, 22 3/4 inches long, and her head was 15 3/4 inches in circumference. That put her in the 45th percentile for weight and the 65th percentile for height. The doctor said I could stand to feed her more, and here I was thinking I was feeding her too much!

Shaelyn and her Daddy at the doctor

After being examined and pronounced healthy, it was time for her vaccinations. I was already dreading this and knew I would probably cry, but I was trying to be brave for Shaelyn's sake. She had to get 5 shots and an oral vaccination. She got the oral first - for rotovirus - and then 3 shots in her right leg, and 2 in her left. Michael held her little arms down, for which I am grateful. I could have never held her down. The nurse held her little legs down, and I stood over her. Right before the doctor gave her the first shot, Shaelyn looked up at me, made eye contact, and smiled. Then the doctor poked her. She immediately started screaming. I of course started crying, not because she was screaming (although that was part of it), but because she had been so beautiful smiling and me and I felt like I had just broken a bond of trust. She went into the shots thinking she was safe and then pain came out of the middle of nowhere! I had a hard time dealing with that. Luckily even though there were 5 shots to administer (5!!!!), the doctor was very fast and it was over in less than a minute. Then he put some hot pink band-aids on her legs and Michael picked her up to love on her. She calmed down very quickly and then fell asleep. She stayed asleep for 4 hours afterwards and was pretty groggy for the rest of the day.

Shaelyn's pink band-aids

Later that night, Shaelyn was running a fever, which the doctor said would be normal after receiving vaccinations. It got as high as 100.2, which scared me, but even with that temperature, she was still smiling and acting like she felt ok. She was just very tired. So we gave her some infant Tylenol and put her to bed. Since she sleeps so well in her swing, that's where she sleeps for now. The next morning she woke up without a fever and seemingly much better. She was still a little lethargic, which is to be expected, so she got lots of love and attention from me and Michael. She didn't seem to have any side effects from the shots (other than the fever), although she did cry when I took the band-aids off.

Shaelyn sleeping in the swing

Today was the first time since Shaelyn was born that Michael went to PEC, which meant that I had to get Shaelyn and myself ready for church by myself. Needless to say I was late, but not as late as I thought I was going to be, so hooray for me! My mom bought 4 dresses for Shaelyn to wear to church, and she still had one more she hadn't worn yet, so she wore it today. Since it's new, I had to take a bunch of pictures (mainly so Grammy could see what she looked like). So here you go Grammy - pictures of the cutest buggy in the world! By the way, she has these tights that are for 0-9 months, so of course they are ridiculously huge on her. But our chapel is always SO FREEZING (we wonder if the heater is working), so I put them on her so her legs wouldn't freeze. I included a picture of her saggy tights for everyone's enjoyment.