Women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. . . . She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her. . . . Sisters, you are each like the lioness at the gate. This means that there has to be some prioritizing. I was taught years ago that when our priorities are out of order, we lose power. If we need power and influence to carry out our mission, then our priorities have to be straight.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Daddy's little girl

Hello, this is Michael.

I figured I should make my presence in the blogosphere felt in more ways than just adding insightful and witty comments to everyone else's blogs. Plus I have a few things to say about the world's cutest little lady.

Shaelyn has been such a huge blessing in our life. I wanted a baby right when we got married, but since we were so young and were still in school, we knew it was best to wait until we were in a better situation. Though we tried unsuccessfully for some time to get pregnant after I got my MBA, the timing worked out perfectly and we were able to enjoy an unforgettable vacation to France and buy this house before Shaelyn came along. And everything has changed for the better since then.

I thought I knew what being a dad would be like, but this is so much better. Shaelyn has added such a sweet spirit to our home and made Shelley and I love more than either of us thought possible.

Nothing melts my heart more than when Shaelyn looks at me, recognizes me as her daddy, and gives me a big smile. Nothing relaxes me more than having her fall asleep on my chest and listening to her little shallow breathing. Nothing makes me happier than to hear her laughter and 'talking.' Nothing makes me prouder than to hear people say that she is the most mellow baby they've ever seen and that she must have inherited her dad's laid-back, good-natured personality. And nothing scares me more than when people say she looks a lot like me.

Lately Shaelyn has started reaching out to touch my face when I'm up close to her. It's the cutest thing. Of course the first thing she goes for is the nose, and she also likes to grab my cheeks. She's probably just getting me back for how much I squeeze her cheeks. She also likes when I nibble her little fingers and tickle her with my whiskers. I have included a couple of pictures of it for your enjoyment.

I am just enjoying this stage of her life as much as I can right now, because time is flying by and she is already growing up so fast. I know that as she gets older and grows up and goes out into this crazy world that things will get tougher, but I know that we'll get through anything just because of how much we love each other.
Those who hang around us for any amount of time have probably already heard me say this, but I'm adding it again here for the world to read: