Yesterday Shaelyn had her 2-month-old birthday. She is growing by leaps and bounds. We go to the doctor on Friday to find out her exact height and weight, so I will keep you all posted. I have decided that 2 months old is where I want Shaelyn to stay. She is incredibly adorable - she is more interactive, she talks to us, she is awake more during the day, she's small and snugly, and she can't run away or get into things! Even though she's only been on the earth 2 months, I feel like she's been with us forever. Strangely, time does not feel like it's flying by, which I love. I'm finding it very easy to appreciate the time I have with her now, and not trying to rush through until she can talk, walk, eat solid foods - things I know a lot of parents look forward to. Maybe this is why it doesn't feel like the two months have flown by. Plus, I'm just amazed at how much things have changed just over a two month period. I feel like a different person than the person who came home from the hospital 7 weeks ago, completely overwhelmed and exhausted. It's amazing how quickly you learn how to be a parent. I learned very quickly how to celebrate the small accomplishments (yay, we got a shower today!) and relish the sweet moments. Plus, it doesn't hurt that Shaelyn is the best teacher of all. Can you tell how much I love being a mommy?

*Shaelyn had her first babysitter on Thursday, February 8th! I had a hair appointment in Winston Salem and was not up for a 40-minute car ride alone with her just yet. So I asked a friend from the ward, Andrea, to watch her and she graciously accepted. She said that Shaelyn was very well behaved. I was apprehensive about leaving her (it was for a total of an hour - Michael came home from work and picked her up before I got home), but of course everything went well. And it was nice to have a few hours to myself without worrying of Shaelyn was hungry or where her pacifier was. In fact, I almost fell asleep in the chair getting my hair done I was so relaxed!
Andrea with her daughter Whitney. Isn't Andrea so photogenic? It makes me sick!
As you can see, we are doing well and enjoying life with a baby. I'm so glad (and lucky) that Shaelyn is a good baby. She is a joy to have in our family!