Women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. . . . She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her. . . . Sisters, you are each like the lioness at the gate. This means that there has to be some prioritizing. I was taught years ago that when our priorities are out of order, we lose power. If we need power and influence to carry out our mission, then our priorities have to be straight.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Videos... FINALLY!

So I finally figured out how to post videos to the blog. I know that those of you who don't get to see Shaelyn very often, or for her aunts, uncles, and cousins out in Utah who haven't met her yet, this is a great way to see her as she grows up. I have included three short videos of Shaelyn playing. Please ignore my stupid "baby voice". Honestly, isn't it so annoying to hear yourself talk? If you double click on the video, it will start to play. Because the blog space is not as big as the video in some cases, if you click on the video one more time when it starts to play, it will take you to a web site where you can view the full size of the video. Hopefully this is user-friendly for all of you.

This first video is of Shaelyn playing on her floor gym. Since babies don't "perform" when you want them to, she's not doing very much playing. But she is talking to the camera, which I know you all want to see. Her little voice just melts my heart!

This next video is of Shaelyn playing on her bouncy seat. This seat has literally saved my sanity! There is a monkey that swings in the trees that Shaelyn thinks is so funny. She will look at it and start laughing pretty much every time I put her in the seat. The "waterfall" that hangs over the seat is two-sided. Shaelyn sees a mirror image of what you're seeing. Notice how much she sticks her tongue out - one of her new favorite things!

This last video is of Shaelyn sitting on my lap after eating. She loves to just sit and look at me. We make eye contact and talk to one another. It's my favorite part of motherhood. Notice the "pirate face" she makes at the camera. It's adorable! Her neck is much stronger now and she can hold her own head up, even though she bobbles it around like a bobblehead doll.

I hope you like watching Shaelyn as much as we do. She really is the best entertainment that there is! We'll continue to post videos so you can catch all of Shaelyn's milestones with us!