Shaelyn has recently started talking non-stop. We fear she is taking after her mother. Is the world really ready for another loud and crazy Cook girl? (My maiden name for those of you wondering.) Last Wednesday I had a presidency meeting with my Relief Society and Shaelyn talked non-stop for about 40 minutes! She was in her car seat talking to Ellie - the red elephant we have hanging on the handle. It was adorable! When she duplicated it again at home, I had to get a video. So below you will see two videos of Shaelyn talking.
The first video is of Shaelyn in her crib. I put her down for a nap and turned on the mobile for her to look at until she fell asleep. She decided she wasn't so sleepy and that she really wanted to talk to the characters of her mobile instead. (Just so you know, they are a psychedelic cow, donkey, and some kind of rabbit.)
This next video is of the previously acclaimed bouncy seat. Shaelyn continues to talk to the monkey, but this time the talking is much more enthusiastic. Enjoy!