We took Shaelyn to the doctor on Tuesday for her 4 month check up, and to get more vaccines. While we were there, we saw Rob, Jax, and Max. The nurse (aka the doctor's wife) asked us how we all knew each other and I told her that Max and Shaelyn are baby friends from church. I told her that Max is the only boy baby in a group of girl babies, and that he is a total flirt and a player. She told Shaelyn to watch out for older men! Too cute!
Anyway, Shaelyn has not grown as much as I had thought. I sometimes weigh her here at home to see how much weight she is gaining. I know our scales aren't exactly baby-accurate, but we were guesstimating her weight to be around 13 1/2 pounds. She only weighed 12 lbs, 14 oz - putting her in the 25% for her age! Last time we visited, she weighed 10 lbs, 8 oz, and the doctor said that a pound a month is expected so he is not concerned about her weight gain - not yet anyway. She was in the 45% for weight last time we went, so it is of note that her weight gain has dropped off, but the doctor said we won't know enough about whether or not to be concerned until her next visit. For now, he said she may just be a little baby. She has grown in length, however. She is now up to 24 3/4 inches, putting her in the 50% for height. Long and skinny. My mom says she works off all her calories by flapping her arms so much!
It was nice to talk to the doctor about some of the things we've been struggling with lately with Shaelyn, but I felt like I almost walked away with as many questions as I walked in with. Our doctor is very laid back, which I like. He doesn't get all worried or nervous about little things, and he doesn't try to tell us how to raise our daughter. This is very good for me, being as anal as I am, because I'm always worried that she's not napping right, or eating long enough, or sleeping long enough, or whatever. There are all these books out there that spell it out for you: "you should ALWAYS put your baby in their crib to sleep", "you should never nurse your baby to sleep", "by 4 months babies should be able to sleep through the night without a feeding", etc. Our doctor is of the school of thought that if it works for you, it's the right thing to do. That said, sometimes I wish he would just tell me, "keep feeding Shaelyn at night until she reaches 14 pounds, then stop". But my mom made a good point - if he was like that and I didn't do exactly what he said, I would just feel guilty and like a failure. I guess a little ambiguity is a good thing.
We've been suspicious that Shaelyn's been teething for the last few weeks, as she's been more fussy, drooly, and chewing on everything. I wanted her doctor to definitively tell us "yes, she's teething". Instead, he said "she could be teething, it sounds like teething, but we can't be sure until she sprouts teeth". Basically, he said it's all a bunch of guess work anyway, and as long as we pay attention and treat the symptoms, we're doing the right thing. Hey, at least he's honest! But whatever the problem that's been making Shaelyn cranky lately, it has been driving me bonkers! She used to be these really happy-go-lucky baby that I could take anywhere for long periods of time without a fuss. Now I hardly ever leave the house. She hates to be in her car seat when she's awake, and if I wait to leave when it's time for her nap (thinking she'll fall asleep in the car), it's even worse! She will not fall asleep unless you are holding her or she is in her swing. But I've heard from other parents who had good bassinet/crib sleepers that their babies won't sleep anywhere unless they're in their crib. So go figure! I just hope that Shaelyn will get over this cranky spell soon before I lose my mind!
So, there you have it. Shaelyn is a typical baby. She is still adorable and the light of my life, but she's just giving me a little run for my money right now. That's ok. I'll take this job over my old one any day!
Changing the subject, the new Harry Potter book comes out in less than 4 months! I can't wait! Anyone else love Harry Potter? I always re-read the series before the next book comes out, so I'm working on the Sorcerer's Stone again. This time, I'm reading it out loud to Shaelyn. I read it to her as she's falling asleep, when she's nursing, when she's sitting in her bouncy seat... I think she loves it. I just hope she doesn't cry at the end when Harry dies (come on - you know he will...). Thoughts?
New Year's Day Polar Plunge!
2 years ago