I am becoming such a blog slacker! Since I want to turn the world onto blogging, I had better step it up! (Andrea shames us all anyway with her almost daily posts...)
So Easter weekend was great! It was also Michael's birthday weekend (his birthday was on Thursday). Two of his sisters came to visit him for his birthday and to see the baby. We went to Melting Pot for his birthday (yum, yum - you don't know what you're missing Greg Sherwood) and Shaelyn got her first taste of fondue (through nursing of course). We know the Melting Pot is going to be her favorite restaurant too. Friday we had a bonfire at the Sherwoods - Shaelyn's first for that as well. She was surprisingly not very bothered by the smoke, although it ended up getting too cold so we came inside sooner than I know Michael would have liked. What is it with fire and boys?

But the best part about coming inside was that Shaelyn had her first "baby conversation" with another little baby. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. Her baby friend is Clara Sherwood, daughter of our friends Greg and Nicolle. Clara actually started the conversation but Shaelyn was soon to join in. Shaelyn shows her excitement by flapping her arms like a bird, so of course she did this several times while talking to Clara. At the end, Shaelyn said something that upset Clara because Clara let out a little cry. I would like to think that Shaelyn was telling Clara about how cool it is to sleep in her swing and Clara was frustrated that all she gets to do is sleep in her boring bassinet. We took a video of the conversation for your enjoyment. Let me know if you think it's the cutest thing you've ever seen, too.
We also dyed Easter eggs with Shaelyn and her two aunts, Aunt Jeanine and Aunt Annette. She thought dying eggs were cool (ok, she had no idea what was going on, but we had a good time). We got a marblized egg kit, but we ran out of dye for the last three eggs, so I dyed them to be individual for each member of our family. I made a green one with purple butterflies for me, a red one that looks like a ladybug for Shaelyn (aka "Buggie"), and an orange and blue one for Michael and the 2007 National Champion Florida Gators. He thought the Gator egg was the cutest egg of them all.

Shaelyn got a chocolate bunny, some plastic "bug eggs" filled with candy, and some Lindt truffles dressed up as "bugs and bees". She also got some new clothes since she has now officially outgrown all her 0-3 month clothes! The Easter Bunny also visited me, Michael, and Aunt Jeanine with baskets full of chocolate goodies. Shaelyn was adorable inspecting her basket - she grabbed the handle and almost knocked it to the floor!
She can't wait until she's big enough to actually eat the goodies the Easter Bunny brings. Until then I guess Mom and Dad have to take on the task of eating them for her!
And finally, in our last act of "cute photography" torture, Shaelyn got all dressed up as the Easter Bunny herself for some pictures. However, we can't classify it as torture if she LOVED it. She kept grabbing her toes and making such cute faces, we probably took 20 pictures of her in her bunny ears. So thanks for humoring us first-time parents. If it isn't obvious by now, we love taking pictures of our little girl!
And finally, in our last act of "cute photography" torture, Shaelyn got all dressed up as the Easter Bunny herself for some pictures. However, we can't classify it as torture if she LOVED it. She kept grabbing her toes and making such cute faces, we probably took 20 pictures of her in her bunny ears. So thanks for humoring us first-time parents. If it isn't obvious by now, we love taking pictures of our little girl!
Here comes Peter Cottontail...

Hopping down the bunny trail...

Hippity-hoppity Easter's on its way!