Women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. . . . She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her. . . . Sisters, you are each like the lioness at the gate. This means that there has to be some prioritizing. I was taught years ago that when our priorities are out of order, we lose power. If we need power and influence to carry out our mission, then our priorities have to be straight.

Friday, April 13, 2007

My list of threes

Andrea taged me to do a list of threes on my blog (to see her lists, click on the link "Andrea's Family Adventures" on the right of the screen). So not to disappoint, here's my lists:

Three Things I Love:
1. my family (especially my little growing immediate one)
2. laughing really hard
3. watching t.v. (is that terrible to admit out loud?)

Three Things I Hate:
1. poor customer service
2. ignorant, closed-minded people
3. feeling like I don’t have control of the situation

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Michael
2. Jack Black (but the legend of the rent was way hard core!)
3. Sam, my brother-in-law

Three Things that Scare Me:
1. snakes (even the word just typed here scares me)
2. being alone
3. the dark

Three Things I Don't Understand:
1. evil (you know, all the evil people in the world that do terrible things)
2. why I hate Wal-Mart so much yet continue to shop there and I have a membership to Sam’s Club
3. "The Others" from Lost – stealing this from Andrea

Three Things On My Desk:
1. receiver for the baby monitor
2. that peg game that you play at your table at Cracker Barrel
3. the “Puffy Shirt” from Seinfeld enshrined in a plastic box (you know, the little one that came with the DVDs)

Three Things I Plan To Do Today (or Did Today):
1. take a nap with Shaelyn (a daily necessity)
2. go grocery shopping
3. finish doing the taxes (I too have been the ultimate procrastinator on this)

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. own a vacation home in southern France and visit every summer
2. own a dance studio – or at the very least teach dance classes
3. become a world traveler (I would love to visit most of Europe, Australia, South America, Indonesia, Japan, etc.)

Three Things I Can Do:
1. knit
2. teach/public speaking
3. make Shaelyn smile and laugh

Three Things I Can't Do:
1. be on time to anything (I was 30 minutes late for my own wedding)
2. not cry when I get emotional
3. most domestic skills (you know, clean, cook, sew, etc. – I can do them, just not well and I don’t enjoy most of them)

Three Things I Miss:
1. Café Rio is numero uno for me on this one. Oh Café Rio, when are you going to come to North Carolina?!
2. being pregnant
3. my family (my parents and sister)

Three Things I'd Like to Learn:
1. family history (although I’m hopefully taking a class on this soon…)
2. medicine so I can self diagnose everything that’s going on with my child
3. I can’t think of a third one. Maybe how to stay better organized?

Three Things I Regret:
1. not being smarter with money when I was first out on my own
2. not staying in touch with certain people from high school
3. not being more serious about my college education my senior year

Three Favorite Foods:
1. Café Rio pork enchiladas with black beans, extra rice, and guacamole
2. brownies
3. anything that a 12-year-old enjoys eating (ie: bologna, Spaghetti-Os, hamburgers, hotdogs, mac and cheese, etc)

Three Favorite TV Shows as a Kid:
1. The Smurfs
2. Sesame Street
3. Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood

Three People I Tag(and these people can either do this on their own blogs, or comment on this one!)
1. Jackie
2. Shannon
3. Erika