Women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. . . . She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her. . . . Sisters, you are each like the lioness at the gate. This means that there has to be some prioritizing. I was taught years ago that when our priorities are out of order, we lose power. If we need power and influence to carry out our mission, then our priorities have to be straight.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Going Shopping

Hello, world. This is Shaelyn. Since I've been born, mom hasn't done a lot of shopping. If we ever leave the house, it's a quick in-and-out procedure. For a long time it was because I was eating so frequently, I would get hungry while were out. Once I got big enough that I didn't need to eat as often, I decided I hated my car seat. You see, I like being active and looking around. Sitting in my car seat for longer than 15 minutes just isn't for me! But because I couldn't sit up on my own yet, I had to sit in my car seat while my mom went shopping. One time we went to Sam's Club and I threw such a fit that mom had to carry me around the store while pushing the cart that was carrying my empty car seat! That's why mom has been working so hard to get me to sit up on my own. She knew once I could do that, I wouldn't need to sit in my car seat as much! So since I proved to her I can sit up, she decided to let me sit up in a cart at the store. Mom got this great shopping cart cover as a baby shower present, so it keeps me clean and germ free and has a spot for my toys so I can play while I look around. Let me tell you, the world is a much more interesting place now that I can see it. Mom thought I was so cute she had to document my first trip to the store sitting up in the cart. She said I'm so little sitting in the cart, she felt like she was pushing a doll around the store!

Here I am enjoying my cushy ride:

But after a while I started to get tired...

So I fell asleep shopping...

I started to fall over, so mom came to the rescue and laid me down in the seat of the cart...

All tuckered out from our day of shopping!