Ok, my sister and my friend Andrea both tagged me to do some more "get to know you" lists. I decided to post them both at the same time, and edited them a little so as not to be redundant.
Jobs I've had (that you may not know about):
1. dance teacher
2. seminary teacher
3. retail employee at “Pant Warehouse”
4. hostess/waitress at “The Last Territory” – a really fun steakhouse
Movies I could watch over and over:
1. 13 Going on 30
2. You’ve Got Mail
3. Legally Blonde
4. School of Rock
… oh wait, I have watched these movies over and over…
Places I've Lived:
1. UT
2. FL
3. GA
4. AZ
5. NC
Favorite TV shows (currently on the air):
2. So You Think You Can Dance?
3. The Office
4. How I Met Your Mother
Favorite Foods (at restaurants):
1. lettuce wraps at P.F. Chang's – stealing from Andrea
2. anything fondue at The Melting Pot
3. Southwestern eggrolls at Chili’s
4. shrimp and crab ravioli at Bravo
5. French onion soup at Mimi’s CafĂ©
Websites I visit:
1. all my friends’ blogs (see the list to the right for who that is)
2. Bank of America website
3. the “Grrr!” page on the Foxnews website – I almost always agree with his “Grrrs!”
I’m really boring about the internet…
Four places I'd rather be:
1. in bed sleeping
2. in France
3. at my parents’ house (as long as the air conditioner has been fixed)
4. did I say in bed sleeping?
1. What time did you get up this morning? 1:30, 5:30, then finally 7:20.
2. Diamonds or Pearls? I have become a non-jewelry girl, which I never thought I would be. When you’re not working and your baby pulls on everything, well, these things take a back seat. But I do think pearls look classy.
3. What was the last film you saw? The Borne Ultimatum... I really liked it. That Jason Bourne is a modern-day McGuiver, but so much cooler!
4. What do you usually have for breakfast? Blueberry bagel with cream cheese. I get on these “anti cereal” kicks sometimes.
5. Favorite cuisine? Italian, no Mexican, no American. Ok, all three.
6. What is your middle name? Rae
7. What food do you dislike? Ever since I was pregnant, I can’t eat red peppers or pimentos. And I don’t really like very “fishy” tasting food, and anything considered eccentric.
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? This lullaby CD of Primary songs Shaelyn and I listen to pretty much wherever we go.
9. What kind of car do you drive? A 2005 silver Kia Sportage. I love that car.
10. Biggest pet peeve? Bad parenting (but my definition of this has changed since having a child of my own!)
11. Favorite item of clothing? Again, used to be very into this, but since Shaelyn, something that’s comfortable – usually yoga pants and a t-shirt.
12. Favorite brand of clothing? I love Express and Banana Republic, but I’ve probably seen the inside of those stores for the last time. That’s ok – I still have some really great pieces that luckily I still fit into after the baby!
13. Where would you retire to? If it wasn’t so far away from family, then France. But since my children will probably be living in the United States, then I have to say close to where they will be.
14. What was your most memorable birthday? Not sure. I had good birthdays growing up. Maybe sweet 16 since the boy I really liked took my out on my first date!
15. Favorite sport to watch? College football. Can’t wait for College Game Day Saturday mornings! I love when Lee Corso puts the mascot’s head on his head at the end. That’s my favorite part.
16. Favorite saying? Things I say all the time: “Hilarious!” and “I know!” and “You know what I mean?”
17. When is your Birthday? August 9th – just happened!
18. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night, but I’m trying to become a morning person.
19. Favorite Cookie? Mmmm, cookie… Chocolate chip straight out of the oven.
20. Buttered, Plain, or salted popcorn? Butter and salt. Yum! Please drown it in butter at the movie theater! But I also like Kettle Corn. And Erika has got me liking “Naturals” popcorn.
21. What did you want to be when you were little? No joke: a physicist for a long time. I’m not even sure I knew what that was, but I wanted to be it. I also wanted to be an engineer for NASA. I wanted to be an astronaut for like 2.5 seconds, and then the Challenger space shuttle blew up (we lived in Orlando at the time, so I actually saw it happen) and I decided working on the ground rather than in space was for me. (My dad’s and engineer and a genius, so I was pursuing careers in science to be like him…) I also wanted to be a marine biologist and of course a lawyer.
22. Your favorite candy? I’m not really a candy person. I like brownies and pastries better if I’m in the mood for sweets. But I do like Peanut Butter M&M’s.
23. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? October 31st – I can’t wait to see Shaelyn on her first Halloween!
24. What would be your dream job? I think I’m living it. And I never thought being a stay-at-home mom would be my dream job. I went from wanting to argue cases before the Supreme court to wanting to stay home with my little girl. Look at me grow!
25. Your favorite color? Green
26. Dream car? I don’t really have one, but I’ve always liked that Nissan Milan or whatever it’s called – you know the one that is the mini SUV? I also like the Chrysler Pacifica.
27. How many pets do you have? One, my furry baby girl Maggie
28. Favorite Dessert? Of course brownies. Anything with chocolate really – chocolate cake, chocolate pudding, chocolate mousse. If it has chocolate and peanut butter, even better. And if it’s banana cream pie cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory, then I’m in heaven!
Now for the tricks:
Shaelyn has decided to take up residence with the local circus, she's learning new "tricks" so fast. I have really worked on trying to teach her how to "kiss" - it was the one thing I wanted more than anything else for my new little baby to do. I wanted kisses from my little girl! Well, now when you ask for one she usually gives you one. Wet and slobbery, the best kind!
She has also learned how to clap her hands. All that flapping finally turned into clapping. It's still a new skill, so very rudimentary, but cute!