Women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. . . . She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her. . . . Sisters, you are each like the lioness at the gate. This means that there has to be some prioritizing. I was taught years ago that when our priorities are out of order, we lose power. If we need power and influence to carry out our mission, then our priorities have to be straight.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Well, I don't have the "official" costume pictures to show you yet, but I know those of you out west are dying to see Shaelyn in her ladybug costume, so here she is!

We of course think she is the cutest ladybug we've ever seen. Tonight we're going to dress her up and then sit on the porch to pass out candy. As soon as I get the official pictures in a format I can share, I'll post them, too.

In other news, Shaelyn has finally started walking!!! Look for it in a post coming soon!