Women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. . . . She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her. . . . Sisters, you are each like the lioness at the gate. This means that there has to be some prioritizing. I was taught years ago that when our priorities are out of order, we lose power. If we need power and influence to carry out our mission, then our priorities have to be straight.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Big Bang

I forget that so many of my blog readers have only really known me since my third trimester, and have really no idea who I was before I was "mommy" Shelley. We were discussing something on knitting night that made me think of this - haircuts. Someone mentioned that someone she knew spent $85 recently on a haircut. I admitted that that is less than I used to spend on my hair before I had Shaelyn. Some of the girls were shocked to discover it. I used to be a real glamour girl. I subscribed to In Style, shopped exclusively for Clinque make-up, and had my hair cut and colored at least every three months.

I've been coloring my hair since I was 15. Weird, right, since I'm naturally blond? But adding highlights and lowlights really makes my hair so much prettier. I started this practice when I moved to Tucson and all my girlfriends in high school were going to this one salon and using this stylist named Alisa. So I started using Alisa too. It was the first time I had a stylist that knew me by name and that I would call up and schedule an appointment for her specifically. It made me feel very mature and grown-up. She did my hair every three months or so until I went to college. Then I was afraid to try anyone new - once you find someone you love, you just can't replace them. So I would get my hair done every time I went home, stretching my visits to every 4 or 5 months instead of every 3. Once I got married, I wasn't going home as much, so I had to find someone to do my hair up in Utah. Because we were newly-weds, I couldn't afford to go to a salon anymore, so I had a friend do it at her home. She had gone to cosmetology school, but wasn't really good with color. You should see some of the pictures!

When we moved to NC, I had to find a new stylist, and stat! All the girls at work went to the same guy, so I decided to give him a try. Let me just say that once you find a colorist who really knows what he is doing, you never go back. And he is the best colorist I've ever seen. So I became addicted to getting my hair colored in a way I never had before. We did something different every time. Red highlights, brown low lights, chunky streaks, all over color - you name it, I did it. The only time I didn't color my hair was when I was in my first trimester.

Now we're living on one income instead of two, and things had to be sacrificed. First thing on my list - all my glamour girl accessories. No more high-end makeup, clothes, or trips to the stylist. And I actually don't miss it, but that's mainly because I'm in mommy mode and it would be a waste of money anyway. I pull my hair back in a ponytail almost every day, but even still, I really miss getting it colored!

Anyway, tragedy struck yesterday. I've been letting my hair grow out since Shaelyn was born, but I do have to trim my bangs. I've had bangs for so long I just finally had my stylist show me how to do it at home so I wouldn't have to pay a bunch of money just to get my bangs trimmed. I always somehow manage to do a good enough job, but yesterday I was in a hurry... They look AWFUL!!! I cut them way too short and they make me look like I have some sort of weird mullet or something. Needless to say, I will not be wearing them down for the next 2 weeks or so while I wait for them to grow out. I bought some pretty barrettes to hold my bangs back until I deem them ok enough to wear normally again. So if any of you see me any time soon and wonder what looks different about me, now you know.