I love the spring and summer (although they are not my favorite seasons), when the clocks get rolled forward an hour (unless you're living in AZ) and you get an extra hour of daylight at the end of the day. Not to mention that the days get longer. So by the middle of summer, it's still light out at 8:30 at night. And, for now at least, it's still dark at 7:00 AM. Not so fun when you're a kid waiting for a bus or someone having to get themselves up to go to work, but awesome if you're a SAHM with a toddler who wakes up with the sun. You might not actually see her until 7:30. Or even 8:00.
I love having it stay light later. Some moms who try to put their kids to bed before 8:00 hate this because it's hard to convince kiddos it's bedtime when the sun's still shining. But since no one goes to bed before 10:30 around here (kidding... kind of...), I love having more daylight hours to play. It's great to be able to go out in the backyard as a family after Michael gets home from work and barbecue. Or go on a walk. Or ride our bikes down to the lake. The fact that it gets dark at 5:00 PM is my least favorite part about winter. Even more than the freezing weather.
So why can't we just keep our time like this permanently? I hate changing our clocks every six months. I especially hate losing an hour of sleep in the spring. So obnoxious. And it's so hard to reset your biological clock. Especially when you have kids. Because resetting their little clocks is impossible. Anyone else with me on this? Don't you wish we could have daylight savings time all year round?
It makes the time spent waiting for Michael to get home after work after we wake up from naps go so much faster when we're playing outside instead of stuck in the house because it's too dark to play outside. And making that time go by faster is very important right now...
New Year's Day Polar Plunge!
2 years ago