Women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. . . . She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her. . . . Sisters, you are each like the lioness at the gate. This means that there has to be some prioritizing. I was taught years ago that when our priorities are out of order, we lose power. If we need power and influence to carry out our mission, then our priorities have to be straight.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Everyone else already has one...

...so I decided to do one too. Actually, I was planning to all along, but it took forever to finish that mammoth of a Baby Talk post. What am I talking about, you ask? Why, a snow day post, of course. Everyone who lives in NC (and my friend down in GA) already posted all their snow festivities. So mine will seem old hat. But for all my friends and family in the west (where they've been having ridiculously HOT weather in AZ), I'd thought I'd show you what fun we had in our 6 inches of snow!

(And now that I'm typing this post, it's in the 70's and 80's. Last Monday we were bundled up and freezing. Yesterday Shaelyn and I went on a walk and played at the playground in shorts and short-sleeved shirts. I even got a sunburn...)

The view out the front windows

The view of the backyard

Our electricity was out for 4 hours. It was 50-something degrees downstairs when Shaelyn woke up. We wouldn't let her go outside and play until the heater came back on. We didn't want her going outside and freezing, only to come inside and freeze some more. So she had to bundle in the house while eating breakfast and begging to go outside. The torture!

The heat came back on and we were ready to go! (And Michael stayed home for the morning to play with us, then ventured to work before lunch.)

It was up to Shaelyn's knees in most places. Watching her walk in it was hilarious!!

We made a makeshift "sled" out of a Tupperware storage box. Michael pulled Shaelyn around the yard in the box. I watched from the doorway while nursing Rachelle and taking pictures.

Then Rachelle fell asleep and I was able to come out. I have these great snowpants that I got while out at BYU (and living in Utah), but only wore them once or twice. I'm not a snow skier, and for some reason in the 4 years I lived there, I never really played in the snow. Maybe one time as a freshman. It took having kids to get me out to play in it. And once I got outside with Shaelyn and Michael, I didn't want to come back in!

So I have these great snow pants and snow gloves, but no boots. My tennis shoes aren't really even tennis shoes, more like slippers, because they have no back. Having no other options of what to wear in 6 inches of snow, I donned my knee-high stiletto-heeled black boots. I looked ridiculous!

Playing in the snow "EY" style!

We made snow angels. Michael's is above, and Shaelyn looked so small sitting inside it.

Shaelyn's petite snow angel. I love it.

Shaelyn attempting another snow angel with me. She loved making them.

Michael and I also tried sledding down the hill on the Tupperware box top. It didn't go so well. But it was hilarious to watch:

Shaelyn always wants to build a snowman in the snow. But usually we only get a 1/2 inch of snow (if we're lucky). So Shaelyn's snowmen are always about 3 inches tall, and built on top of a table. This time we were able to make one as tall as she is!

We used our illuminated snowman's accessories for his hat, scarf, and carrot nose. His eyes are some lava rocks we have in our front yard. We got lazy and just carved out a smile and didn't add any arms.

Shaelyn liked looking at him out our window after we came in.

We played outside for about 2 hours, then left our wet clothes in the garage and took hot showers. Shaelyn and I cuddled up for a nap and Michael headed off to work. The snow lasted for a few more days, and I got brave and bundled Rachelle up in my sling and let Shaelyn play in it a few more times. She LOVES the snow!