Sunday night Michael and I racked our brains for something to do with Shaelyn that was "Sunday appropriate." (Does anyone else struggle with this?)
We decided to watch some old Aagard home movies of when Michael was a boy. They are so fun to watch and make me excited to have a big family full of kids camping, playing kickball in the backyard, or splashing in the kiddie pool. We tried to explain that the little boy in the video was Daddy, but I don't think Shaelyn really got it.
Then we remembered that Shaelyn's never seen our wedding video. We thought it would be a great family experience, letting Shaelyn see Mommy and Daddy on their special day, and would help emphasize our focus on the temple.
So we snuggled up on the couch, Michael holding a sleeping Rachelle in his arms, me cuddling Shaelyn on my lap, and hit play.
It was a totally different experience for us than any other time we've ever watched it. We pointed out Mommy's white dress, her flowers, her crown on her head. We pointed out familiar faces - Grandma and Grandpa, Grammy and PawPaw, Aunt ChanChan. We giggled about Mommy and Daddy kissing. And we pointed out the temple.
By the end of the video, Michael and I had tears streaming down our faces. I don't think it was ever more real to us than right then the significance of that day, that place, those covenants. Looking at the precious girls we had snuggled with us, we realized how lucky we are to have been married in the House of the Lord for time and all eternity. And now our children are sealed to us forever.
The feeling of love and joy was palpable, tangible. Shaelyn could feel it. She got noticeably emotional watching the video with us. I'm not sure if she was concerned about the tears streaming down our faces, how different Mommy and Daddy looked in the video, or if she was feeling the Spirit and wasn't sure how she should respond to it. I wanted to make sure she was ok.
"Shaelyn, are you ok? Do want us to turn this off?"
"Watch again! Watch Mommy Daddy!"
We watched it 3 more times, then went upstairs to get ready for bed. As we put the girls in their jammies, Shaelyn was alive with chatter.
"Mommy pretty dress. Mommy have flowers. Mommy Daddy kissing. Mommy Daddy get married in the temple."
We told Shaelyn we were so happy we got married in the temple, because she would always be ours, forever.
"I'll be your Mommy forever and Daddy will be your Daddy forever."
"And Chelle?" she tentatively asked.
"She'll be your sister forever."
Relief and happiness spread over her face. And that was the best bedtime story we could tell her. That her family will be her family forever. Because one day, 8 years ago, Mommy put on a pretty white dress and Daddy took her to the House of the Lord to create an eternal family.
I'm sure she had sweet dreams that night.
New Year's Day Polar Plunge!
2 years ago