Wednesday, June 10th
I think today was the best day of Shaelyn's life. We went swimming with three of her friends this morning in a FREEZING cold pool - but she didn't care. And after a while, it even felt good to me, too. Rachelle napped in the portable swing and Shaelyn was little miss independent swimmer in her water wings AND life vest. Which worked out great for Mom-of-two-kids. For dinner we went to McDonald's, because Shaelyn earned her 5 stickers required to go. She got to meet up with more friends there, so she was on cloud nine. Her behavior has so VASTLY improved that I find myself just enjoying her most days. Today was one of those days. So it turned out to be a great day for me too. Just like Mary Poppins: practically perfect in every way!
Thursday, June 11th
Shaelyn and I have "school" M-F. Or try to anyway. This week we've been focusing on writing our letters. She's done "S," "V," "Y," and today "Q." She loved doing Q. "Make a circle. Draw a line. Make a circle. Draw a line." She chanted it like it was a mantra. But she really shocked me today when I asked her tell me some of the phonetic sounds letters make. I guess that Leapfrog fridge toy has been doing it's job.
Later tonight after the girls were in bed, I was in desperate need for dessert. I was really craving this "brownie overload with lots of fudge and chocolate in double chocolate ice cream," but we're all out. What's a girl to do? I concocted a winner with some of Shaelyn's frozen cinnamon french toast sticks, homemade strawberry jam, and lot and lots of whipped cream. Delish! Maybe even better than the to-die-for ice cream.
Friday, June 12th
Today was the day of multiple kids. On Friday mornings, I go out to a friend's house who has one pre-schooler of her own, a baby on the way, and nannies a toddler and a baby. So when I'm there, it's a 3 year old, a 2 1/2 year old, a 2 year old, a 7 month old, a 4 month old, and a preggo mommy. I try to watch all the kids so she can work on her side business of sewing diaper bags, burp cloths, nursing cover ups and other mommy essentials. Some Fridays go well. Others are more like today - CRAZY! The kids required a lot of hands on supervision, so I felt like I was adding to my friend's chaos, not helping. Oh, well. At least the kids had fun.
Tonight I watched two girls who live down the street so their parents could go on a date. So we had a 7 year old and 3 1/2 year old in addition to my two. But these two girls are basically Shaelyn's surrogate older sisters, so they had a BLAST swimming, sliding, swinging, and eating outside. I actually got all four girls ready for bed, and my two in bed on time, ALL BY MYSELF! Pretty pleased with that one.
Saturday, June 13th
Today was a whirlwind. Michael came home today (yay!) after being out of town for almost a week and I tried to clean the house after a week's (oh, who am I kidding... a month's) worth of neglect. I did an OK job. I planned on waking up early, putting a lot of elbow grease, sweat, and possibly tears in to the task. Instead I lounged around with the girls in the morning, slowly cleaned up the toys and floor downstairs, and didn't even touch the laundry/shower/vacuum I meant to do. But I did make the bed. TA DA!
This afternoon we took the girls to the pool. Shaelyn is turning into quite the little swimmer. The lifeguard told her she couldn't wear her WATER WINGS (that's for you, B), so she was disappointed to take off her fishies, but at least got to keep on her backpack (her life jacket). She's also getting quite the tan. For a blond headed, blue eyed, pale porcelain doll anyway. Rachelle lounged in my arms in the very shallow end, and eventually fell asleep. Is she even related to her older sister? Both girls fell asleep in the car on the way home and were in bed ASLEEP by 9:00 - that never happens!
Sunday, June 14th
The girls were both sick today, so Michael stayed home with them while I went to church alone to teach my Sunday School class. I expected to come home to a house full of pathetic, crying children. But instead I came home to a sweet baby asleep and a rambunctious toddler playing in the "blue room" with Daddy. Thank goodness for a husband who knows what he's doing!
Rachelle continues to amaze me with her sweet, easy going nature. Even when she has a fever and snot pouring out of her nose, she still smiles, coos, and snuggles as much as usual. She was so fun to watch today. She is so in love with her big sister, and her eyes follow her where ever she goes. She saves her biggest and brightest smiles for Shaelyn, and still only laughs at Shaelyn's antics - no matter how silly or goofy Michael or I act.
Monday, June 15th
I have a friend I really idolize. I want to be a mom like her. I want to be a wife like her. I want to just be her, OK? You can read her blog here. And you'll want to be her, too. Anyway, when her oldest two kids were the same age as my little ones, she was living in a tiny apartment in D.C., living on practically nothing while her husband did a "prestigious yet pays very little in a very expensive town" internship. They celebrated their anniversary there, and being the creative genius that she is, she created a Seine cruise in their apartment, complete with drawings of the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and various other sites you would see in Paris. She's also a gourmet cook, so she whipped up a fancy French dinner with their tiny little budget and enjoyed a beautiful anniversary night with her hubby. (And for those of you who know me and don't know her, I think - well, I know - she's more obsessed with France than we are...)
So here I am at the same stage in life (kiddos-wise at least) and equally obsessed with France, and I think, "I can do that. I can recreate a Seine cruise in our house." So I go to the store this morning with the girls to get ingredients to make my fancy French dinner. It's going to be three courses. So I try to put the girls down for their naps at 2:00 so I can start on my masterpiece. Rachelle screams her guts out and never sleeps. Shaelyn has quiet time in her room for an hour, but never falls asleep either. By 4:30, I'm still working on the chocolate mousse. I still haven't even started on the potato dish, or the provençal chicken, both which take prep time and over an hour to cook. I have Rachelle strapped to me in the wrap, and Shaelyn begging to go outside. So I tell her she can play in the backyard while I watch through the window. But that she needs bug spray first. As soon as I spray it on her arm, she sticks her arm in her mouth and licks the spray. And of course starts crying because it's nasty. And I start panicking because I'm afraid she's poisoned herself. I drag her in the house and force water down her throat (what the can of bug spray says to do) while she's crying, Rachelle's screaming, and I'm on the verge of tears.
After everyone's calmed down, I head back into the kitchen, wondering how in the HECK Grapefruit does it. Luckily Michael didn't get home until after 7:00. So dinner was almost done by then. We ended up eating our hors d'oeuvres, putting the girls to bed, and then eating our entrée and dessert alone by candlelight. So I guess it worked out. Just not how I had planned. I'm just not good at these kinds of things. Which is why I never do them. But Michael ranted and raved about the food and we had a good time talking and reminscing and dreaming of France. Oh, and our feature film rocked: Bride and Prejudice. Watch it - if only to see Naveen Andrews (Sayid on LOST) break it down Bollywood style.
Whew! Long post for a journal entry.
Tuesday, June 16th
Today Rachelle sat up by herself in the bath today. For the whole duration of the bath. She loved it. She sucked on the side of the tub (even though Shaelyn said "don't bite tub, sister"), splashed, and played with her toes. And I realized she's a big girl. I mean, she's still a baby. But she's growing up so fast!
We had our family pictures taken today by the very talented Jax. It was a little rainy and VERY humid, but since I don't have curly hair, I think it just gave my hair some much needed volume! HA! We talked to Shaelyn about staying when we say "stay" and smiling and saying "cheese!" I think this made a slight difference. She was more willing to stand right next to us, if only for a second longer than she usually does at our photo sessions (this was our fifth with Jax!) - but luckily Jax is a GREAT toddler photographer and just chases her down to get great shots. I can't wait to see them!
Afterwards we went to McDonalds (yet again) and had some EXCELLENT customer service. I just had to point this out because the last 2 times we've been, we've played "Deal or No Deal" with the cashier - as she can never ring up our order correctly and we finally just say "DEAL" when she gets as close to our order as she's going to get. Tonight there was a mistake with the order, but it was actually Michael's mistake ordering it, and not the cashier. I came in from the car to find the wrong food being put on our tray and started to complaining to Michael. The cashier questioned what was wrong, and I said "Oh, it's not your fault, it's his," pointing to Michael. She corrected the order (which meant giving us more food for free) and said, "You know, we're too hard on our men sometimes. He did a good job. And he's holding the baby!" (which he was). I told her she was right, thanked her for the free food and advice, and apologized to Michael. Who would have thought you could get all that from McDonalds?
Wednesday, June 17th
There are times I really miss having a newborn. They are so snuggly. And smell so great. And sleep ALL the time. And have little smooshed-up faces. And their body curls up like they're still in your tummy. And they're just so dependent on you - in a way that's totally heart-melting-ly wonderful.
And yet today made me grateful that newborns don't last forever. Because the heart-melting-ly wonderful moment I experienced could never have happened with a newborn. While I folded laundry in the hall, we listened to Tarzan's "Trashin' the Camp" (which Shaelyn calls "DRUMS!"), and Shaelyn danced around Rachelle who was sitting up propped up by the Boppy pillow. Rachelle followed Shaelyn around as much as she could with her eyes, and each time Shaelyn passed back into her line of sight, she squealed with delight. Shaelyn realized she was the cause of Rachelle's excitement and started playing with her. And I mean really playing with her. She went and got her toys - her jingle ball, her rain stick, her crinkly elephant - and played with her sister. She rolled the ball back and forth to her. She shook the rain stick. She crinkled the elephant's ears. And the whole time she was saying things like "You like that, sister?" and "Love you, Rachelle." and "Listen to this!" Both girls had huge smiles on their faces, and so did I.
Thursday, June 18th
We tried the library again, with SUCCESS this time. Shaelyn loves going to get new books and (hopefully, if I remember to reserve one in advance) a new Signing Time. But sometimes the trips result in tears when she can't control herself and starts pulling books off shelves, running out the door into the parking lot, and other chaotic behavior. We didn't go last week to give her some time to regroup, and tried again today. Thank goodness with only left with smiles, an art project, and 4 new books to read at bedtime.
Friday, June 19th
What is up with Miss Helpful? Shaelyn, who used to be all about ME ME ME, is becoming the best little helper on the planet. She wants to get diapers for me. She wants to help me cook. She wants to to help me wipe after using the potty. (YIKES!) She is a totally different kid than the terror she was 6 months ago. Michael and I are loving every minute with our creative, funny, smart, beautiful, HELPFUL and OBEDIENT 2 1/2 year old!
Saturday, June 20th
Why, oh why, do I always put off my lesson until today? This week I even read all my supplemental materials, outlined my lesson, and even had my activity planned, all before Friday night. And yet here it is, the wee hours of the morning, and I'm FINALLY going to bed. And of course, my lesson is on the Word of Wisdom. And as I'm printing out 10 copies of something that says "Go to bed early," I laugh at the irony. I guess the teacher needs to learn a lesson, too!
Sunday, June 21st
Ever since Shaelyn's been going to sleep all by herself, she's been wanting "cuddle time" less and less. I used to stroke her hair and rub her arms as she fell asleep. Then I just smothered her with kisses for several minutes before leaving her room. Then it went to just a few kisses, a hug, and a nose kiss. Lately, it's been down to one kiss, that I have to STEAL from her. "No Mommy" is what I hear more often than not. That, and "Mommy need to leave." I'm so excited about her new-found independence, but I'm so heartbroken over her lack of need for me.
But tonight she had a bad dream. And cried out for me. And I went into her room and dried her tears. And stroked her hair. And rubbed her arms. And after a few minutes, she said "Mommy don't leave." So I laid there with her until she fell back asleep, listening to her breathing get slowly more heavy and rhythmic, grateful that she still needed me.
Monday, June 22nd
Michael and I went on our FIRST nighttime date since Shaelyn was born. Well, I guess we went out once or twice at night when she was around 3 months old. So our first time since then (and yes, she is 2 1/2). She's been so independent lately, and over her seperation anxiety, that we thought the time was right. We had a fellow mom watch the girls, and went out to dinner and a movie (17 Again - I recommend it. Zac Effron is such a cutie!) We had a great time, and it was so nice to be alone with Michael for a while.
We came home expecting a report that Shaelyn was a handful. That she cried about us not being here to put her to bed. That perhaps she was even still awake. We were very surprised to find out that Shaelyn did great, but RACHELLE had a hard time! She screamed for a good while, refused to take her bottle, and was very upset until she went to sleep. She's such an easy baby for me, that I didn't realize perhaps she's only good for ME! As horrible as I felt for our babysitter and for Rachelle, it was nice to know she's attached to me. What can I say? I just raise Mama's Girls.
Tuesday, June 23rd
Shaelyn wants to be potty-trained SO BAD. I, however, have no problem with diapers and no motivation to endure potty-training. But every morning she still asks me to sit on the potty and has, on occasion, asked me to wear "big girl panties." I have indulged her from time to time, but of all the times she has sat on the potty has resulted in NO PEE in the potty. So this morning I left her naked all morning to see if we wanted to start this process. I put her on the potty every 10 minutes or so. She loved it. Because she loves PRETENDING to pee in the potty. The girl was naked for 3 hours and never once peed anywhere. I finally put her back in her diaper for her nap, and she filled it up within a minute of having it on. Maybe we'll try again tomorrow. Or maybe not.
Wednesday, June 24th
I just have to say it: I GOT CHECKED OUT AT THE GROCERY STORE TODAY! And by a cute guy, I might add. He actually looks a little like how I picture Jacob, for all you Twilight fans out there. I was meeting a friend, and so was hanging out in the parking lot with my girls still in their car seats. So I think it's safe to say he did not know I was a Mommy. He saw me, did the obvious "check out" look, and waved. When he saw me later, I had the girls in the shopping cart, but he still looked my way. Hmmm... It was definitely the least "frumpy mom of 2" I've felt in a while. Maybe my husband paid him to do it, just so I'd believe him when he tells me I still look hot.
Saturday, June 27th
I AM EXHAUSTED!!! It's 9:30 PM and I'm heading up to bed. I missed two days in the 'ole journal, and haven't written a single blog post in over a week. What's with me?! No, I'm NOT PREGNANT. I've just been working really hard on a fundraising yard sale-slash-pancake-breakfast that we hosted this morning. We did it for some friends with a little girl who has cerebral palsy and a whole lot of insurmountable medical bills due to a recent scary hospital stay. It was a LOT of work - walking around the various neighborhoods to pass out 600 fliers announcing the sale, going to local grocery stores to ask for donations for the pancake breakfast, creating yard sale signs and placing them out at all major intersections in our area, organizing the yard sale items (we had a TON of stuff donated), and then all the work today actually running the event. I got a total of 3 hours of sleep last night. Luckily, all our friends pitched in, and the event was a success. We raised $927 for the family!!! Well worth all the effort. And, yes, for those of you wondering, I'm even done with my Sunday School lesson! Off to bed for me!
Monday, June 29th
Why oh why did I let the girls take such late naps today? Lately Shaelyn's been a late-napper or a no-napper, but today I needed her to take a nap. So I put her in her room at 1:30. At 3:00 I went in to check on her, and she had destroyed her room (of course) and was rubbing her eyes and yawning. She was so tired, but refused to go to sleep. So against my better judgment, I let her go to sleep at 3:00. Well, she slept until 5:45 (me too - or I would have waken her up earlier), and is now upstairs screaming in her room because she's not tired and doesn't want to go to bed (it's almost 10:30). Grrr! The funny thing is, this used to be so common place that I didn't even bat an eye at it, but now that we've had 3 months or so of Shaelyn goingn to bed by 9:00, one late night really throws me off. How ironic!
Tuesday, June 30th
Last day of June. SERIOUSLY?!? Isn't that crazy?! I'm starting to sound like my MIL, talking about how the year is flying by! Went to a "spa night" tonight with some girlfriends. Got a hand massage, painted my toes, and laughed (really hard) with my girls. It was really fun. But my "so easy baby" is only "so easy" for me. She won't take a bottle, she won't go to sleep, she won't really even calm down, for anyone but me. She was SCREAMING when I got home. As soon as I scooped her up, she stopped crying IMMEDIATELY. Then she clung to me, molding into my body as she nursed. And fell asleep making sweet humming noises. So maybe I can't take another Mommy Vacation for a while. I'm OK with that.
New Year's Day Polar Plunge!
2 years ago