Shaelyn's first summer, she was 6 months old. And being a SAHM for the first time, I thought tickets to Wet N Wild were in order. They had a fun kiddie land. And I'd be home for hour after endless hour, just waiting to go and soak up some sun and fun out with my baby. HA! Although she did enjoy it sometimes (and here's proof), it went about as you can imagine - too cold water, too frequent naps, too tired of a mom... and so we went only a handful of times.
Shaelyn was 18 months old for her second summer. Old enough to run. And not listen. And be scared of things. And still hate freezing cold water. I didn't waste my money on a pass to Wet N Wild. But I did buy a kiddie pool for the backyard. That had a slide and little sprinklers. Whoops! Shaelyn was scared of the slide, scared of the sprinklers, and hated the cold water.
She also hated wearing a hat. Wouldn't stay still to have sunscreen put on her. Definitely wouldn't wear her water wings when we went to big pools. She was constantly on the move and terrifying to have near open water.
So this year I wasn't looking forward to pools. Because to add to my Shaelyn stress, I have a too-young-for-sunscreen and can't-sit-up-on-her-own baby.
But this is our year! Shaelyn has matured so much in the last few months. She listens. She understands. She knows she has to wear sunscreen ("Don't get burned!" she says) and a hat ("Love my baseball hat!" she says). She isn't scared of cold water. Just jumps right in. And she wants to wear her water wings. Even when she doesn't need them. ("Wear the fishies!" she says.)
So our backyard has become a waterpark (at least on days when it's not pouring). And Shaelyn has a new love affair with swimming. And pools. And water. And of course, her water wings.
New Year's Day Polar Plunge!
2 years ago