Shaelyn took Michael's shirt from the laundry room, put it on, and said "I go to work!"
(Michael buttoned it for her.)
Who wouldn't hire this cute girl? She's really good at coloring on herself. Look at that green foot!
We've been reading the Book of Mormon a lot lately with Shaelyn. Today when I went to check on Shaelyn in the Blue Room, I found her kneeling down and coloring.
"I kneel down just like Enos!"
Good job! Now if we could just get you to do that when you pray...
We've also been talking about looking our best for church to show Heavenly Father and Jesus that we love them. This has helped tremendously in getting Shaelyn to sit still for hair brushing, teeth brushing, face washing, etc.
Today while taking a bath, she scrubbed her duck with a washcloth and said:
"Have to be pretty for church!"
I wish this adorable hair-do had made it to church. It lasted all of about 30 minutes. I even sprayed it with hairspray (which I called "Princess spray"). That's the problem with having cornsilk hair.
While I was talking on the phone with my mom, Shaelyn grabbed the phone from me and yelled "I want to talk!"
Went to the playground down by the school today. Shaelyn was the only kid for a while, then two boys about 8 or 9 came over to play. They kept referring to Shaelyn as "the baby," and were really good about not rough housing around her. The playground has these "speakers" that let you talk from one side of the playground to the other. Shaelyn loves them because she's seen other kids playing with them, but she doesn't really get the concept herself, and isn't really tall enough to talk in them anyway. But everytime she passes one while climbing, she always stops to say something in it, usually jibberish.
Today the boys were talking back and forth to each other in the speakers, so Shaelyn wanted to join in the fun. She went up to the one that was right next to the slide and said something in her cute "Shaelyn language." The boy stayed on the other end of the speaker to talk to her and said "What?" She repeated what she had said. The boy said, "What?" again.
Then Shaelyn stood on her tiptoes and said right into the speaker:
"I go down the slide, Mommy!"
The boys gave each other a hard time after that. "She called you Mommy!" "Oh, yeah! Well she called you Daddy!"
It was funny and sweet at the same time. I love how innocent she is. Wish I could keep it that way.
While playing together in the Blue Room, Rachelle fell over from sitting up (she's still in a teeter-totter stage). Shaelyn immediately ran over to help.
S: Come on baby. Come on Chelle. Dat's it. You do-ey it!
I look over to see Rachelle 1/2 sitting up at this point.
S: I fix the baby!
I told Shaelyn we were going to a baseball game later this week. Her reaction:
"I duhn tink so!" and later said "I need to go to my bouncy castle jus wike Cinder-ewah!"
I come downstairs to Shaelyn fake crying while Michael's in the bathroom.
Me: What's wrong?
S: I broke the come-poo-er! I broke it!
(I check in with Michael. She did not break it. She just turned off the i-Tunes song that had been playing.)
S: I sad.
Me: It's ok Shaelyn. You didn't break it. The music just turned off.
S: I sad. And angry!
Me: You don't have to be sad or angry. You can choose to be happy.
S: I can't be happy Mommy. I sad!
Shaelyn has gotten really into pretend play lately. Today, Pooh went to the doctor:
S: Pooh at the doctor. Time to get a shot.
Some time elapses.
S: Pooh crying. It's ok Pooh. Need to carry you?
More time elapses. Pooh now has necklaces on.
S: Pooh get a treat at the store.
(Shaelyn got a treat at the store - necklaces - last time she went to the doctor. For Rachelle's appointment. And she didn't scream. That much. That's how scared she is of the doctor.)
S: Troll hungry? Want some lunch?
The makings of a very appetizing lunch, especially the yellow Medela lid. Poor troll - she's so small she can't even see the table. At least she knows we eat our food at the table, though.
The following took place while getting ready for bed:
S: I have red! I have red!
Mommy: What? Where do you have red?
S: I have red on my bum bum!
While making dinner in the kitchen, I overhear from the other room:
"I like to smell my feet!"
Seriously, TMI girl!
The Elders came over for dinner today. And no matter how many times they come over, Shaelyn is always scared of them. So tonight I got out Michael's missionary name tag and clipped on Shaelyn's shirt. I told her she could be a missionary for the night. The Elders pointed out their black name tags too. She was so excited and no longer scared.
Future Sister Missionary? (Not with those tattoos..)
I just love how she says "Jesus CWYST"
All kids (no matter what age) are "friends" to Shaelyn. Today while pushing her around the block on her tricycle, I was trying to get her to pedal by herself. She refused and whined about it. Then I pointed out a boy (probably 10 years old) riding his bike past us.
Shaelyn's immediate response:
"I pedal like friends."
Nothing like peer pressure...
Loving her friends... (and surrogate sisters "Banana" and "Fuh-nana")
I hit my leg really hard in the doorway of the car and made it bleed. I yelled out in pain, and Shaelyn was concerned. I showed her where I had hit my leg, and she said:
"You need Lightning and Sally, Mommy. They make it all better!"
See Mommy? The healing power of Cars.
And not to be outdone, Rachelle would like to prove that she is funny, too. I love her smile and her dimples. And how she always has her mouth open. Shaelyn calls this the "go crab" song: