Every night Shaelyn gets to do something really fun...
They're helping us countdown our trip to see Grammy and Paw Paw, Aunt Chan Chan, Unckie Sam, Baby David, and Baby Trevor. And so that we can stay out there long enough for to enjoy the trip, I'm going alone.
Me. Alone. With two children. On a plane. Flying across the country. Alone.
To make the trip a little easier, we've been practicing some things:
Wearing our super cool pink headphones so we can watch Cinderella, Cars, and Zebra on the plane.
Wearing our "monkey backpack," which doubles as a harness (aka LEASH), although Shaelyn does not yet know that part...
And getting comfy in Mommy's wrap, chillin' and sleeping.
We're all so excited. Maybe Mommy the most! Poor Daddy. He has to stay home all alone while we're gone. I keep telling him we're going to miss him. He keeps telling me he doesn't believe me.