I'll post pictures of all our extravaganzas later. Here's the funny things I remembered to write down this month (which is surprising since we spent more time away from home than at home this month...)
While at my parents' house, Shaelyn discovered these cool plastic "rocks" that my dad made at work years ago when my sister and I were little. They are left over deposits from a polyurethane machine (or something like that - I'm sure I'm getting it wrong...). Anyway, there are three of them, and Shaelyn admired them for a while before taking one over to my dad (Paw Paw).
Shaelyn: Look Paw Paw. A rock!
Paw Paw: Actually, it's a polyurethane deposit made from a blah blah blah machine in the blah blah blah lab.
Shaelyn: Thinks for a second.
Shaelyn: No, it's a rock Paw Paw!
She then called them the "jelly rocks" the rest of the trip.
We went to a (covered - very necessary) playground by my parents' house - landscaped with rocks and sand. Very typical AZ. But there was a field of grass off from the playground. Eventually Shaelyn made her way over there and sat in the grass. "Mommy, I love grass! I love the scratchy, scratchy grass!"
So does Mommy. And that's why we live on the east coast sweetheart!
Evidently missing the grass more than I realized, Shaelyn started calling my parents' carpet "the grass" and insisted on having picnics (especially with her my little ponies) on "the grass."
While reading "The Little Mermaid:"
Michael: Are you going to kiss a prince?
Shaelyn: No, I want to kiss Daddy!
Michael: *MELT*
We got Shaelyn a new lunchbox for preschool today. It is a soft box that zips up. Inside it had a cardboard liner that helped it keep it's shape. The cardboard liner was shaped like a square. Shaelyn put it on around her head and said "I'm a lion!" Then later "I'm a SQUARE lion!"
We checked into the hotel today. Shaelyn immediately found a "tent" in the billowy curtains being blown by the air conditioning unit. She got Rachelle's alligator toy and played up there for the hour while we unpacked. She was very proud of her tent, and would retreat there whenever she got overwhelmed or angry (which was often).
While inspecting the hotel room, Shaelyn found the coffee maker. She got really excited and said "Mommy, make a smoo-vee!" Having never seen a coffee maker before, I guess it makes sense that it looks like a blender, right?
We checked out a Winnie the Pooh movie from the library for Shaelyn to watch on the way out to the beach. She loved it, and for some reason after watching it, began to refer to Rachelle as "Kanga." For the rest of the day, she would commentate on Rachelle's status - "Kanga's sleeping" or "Kanga's eating" or "Kanga's crying..."
When Shaelyn woke up in the hotel room, she was so excited, she said to Michael:
"Daddy! I'm in a new house! And a new bed!"
Don't let the enthusiasm fool you. She was asking to go to "Shaelyn's house" the rest of the trip.
Shaelyn is VERY into Disney songs right now, and walked through the hotel room singing Hakuna Matata at the top of her lungs:
"It's r prob-um fee...pill-os-oh-pee...ha-ta, ha-ta, HA-TA, ha-ta..."
She also loves The Little Mermaid, and before we went down to the beach, she laid down on the floor on her stomach, arched her back with her arms straight, and said "I a mermaid!"
While coloring, Shaelyn was doing a really good job of "coloring in the lines."
Michael: Shaelyn, you are SO smart!
Shaelyn: No, I'm beautiful!
Well, at least she has a good self esteem.
While driving home from a friend's house, I said that Rachelle needed to get her nails clipped today, because they were getting too long.
Shaelyn: I need my nails clip-clip too.
Mommy: You do?
Shaelyn: Yes. They are scratchy.
Mommy: They are scratchy?
Shaelyn: I have trees on my fingers.
New Year's Day Polar Plunge!
2 years ago