I am no fan of potty training. I really don't want to do it. Main reason: I'm lazy! But I also just don't mind changing diapers. So there's no real motivation for me. We tried potty training earlier this summer - with disastrous results. So I put the kibosh on that. I've been waiting until she turns 3 to even TRY to start again.
So there has been NO potty talk in my house since we first tried. And Shaelyn has all but forgotten that there is a little potty in the corner of her bathroom, and there are big girl panties in her drawer, and a box of Cars Pull-ups in my closet. Just the way I like it.
But tonight Shaelyn told me she had to pee and that she wanted M&Ms. Without any prompting from me, she took off her diaper, went and found her potty, sat on it, and peed. Then jumped up and down, told me she was a big girl, and demanded her M&Ms.
"Huh!" I thought. This was the moment I was waiting for. The "she just trained herself" moment. Well, great! Potty trained without any work. Hip hip hooray!
She did this right before bath and bed. So when she got out of the bath, I told her I was going to put a diaper on her tonight, but from now on she'd only wear diapers to sleep and she'd get to wear her big girl panties tomorrow so she could keep peeing in the potty. And I used my most excited voice!
"NOOOOOOOO! I want my diapers!"
"Huh!" I went right back to thinking.
New Year's Day Polar Plunge!
2 years ago