Shaelyn loves to talk about how a giraffe licked my hand when we went to the zoo in AZ with my parents. Tonight she was telling me all about all the animals she saw. Apparently, she remembered more than just the animals:
"I scream & happy & angry at the zoo!"
That is entirely accurate.
Shaelyn brought me a book today and told me it was the "Book of Commandments" (we've been doing a lot of Church History reading...). What book was it actually?
Breaking Dawn without the book jacket on. It's big and black - exactly how she thinks scriptures look. But it's about as far from a "book of commandments" as you can get.
We had a family home evening about the three things our bodies need:
1) food
2) sleep
3) exercise
We hestitated to teach her about #3, because she's got that area more than covered. So Michael and I really tried to focus on numbers 1 and 2 - the two things she HATES to do.
Today before her nap:
Me: We need to go upstairs and have some quiet time.
Shae: NO!
Me: Remember, your body needs sleep.
Shae: Right now, my body need exercise!
After going to the fair with Clara, she replayed some of her favorite moments for us at the table:
"We ride the blue car. It goes s l o w and then FAST and then AAAAHHHHHH!! and then Clara laughed. She so funny!"
While sitting on my lap at church, Shaelyn pointed to a zit on my chin (that I've picked and picked until it's scabbed over) and said, "Mommy, you have an owie!"
We've been teaching Shaelyn to ask "May I be excused?" before getting down from the table at dinner. Sure, it's polite, but even more importantly, it allows us to negotiate with her before she can leave. (Like, "after you take 2 more bites of spaghetti...") Tonight she wanted to get down from the table, and I told her she had to finish one triangle of her quesadilla. She appealed to the court. She asked her My Little Pony, her Winnie the Pooh coloring book, and her sippy cup if she could be excused. Surprisingly, they all agreed with mom (and even sounded a little like her when they answered). She stayed and finished her triangle.
She's really into tickets right now. She's been to three fair/carnival type places in the last month or so, and has really caught on to the concept. (Plus she now gets tickets for saying in bed, and her new favorite show, Dinosaur Train, asks for tickets as well.) Today she discovered that if she crawls under the easel, there is a space between the drawing surface and the tray that she can see me and stick her arms out. Now she goes under there constantly and says "Tickets Please!"
I love getting kisses from Shaelyn, and she knows it. Today she asked for a nose kiss, so we rubbed noses together. I then asked for a butterfly kiss, and we tickeled eyelashes. She asked for a mermaid kiss.
Me: A mermaid kiss? What's that?
Shae: Like this. (Kisses me on the lips for a long time.) Mermaid kiss Eric. On the boat.
One Shaelyn's library books this week is about talents. It lists each kid in a kindergarten class individually and says what they are good at. "My name is Kevin and I can spell big words. I'm good at spelling." "My name is Charlie and I fish with my grandpa. I'm good at fishing."
Me: My name is Olivia and I like to catch bugs. I'm good at...
Shae: Bugging!
We've been starting to talk about what words start with what letters. Shaelyn loves to point to letters she sees and say "(insert letter here) is for (insert item here)." Today:
"X is for exercise!"
I couldn't correct her. Way to find the phonetic sound! My dad says X should be removed from the alphabet anyway...
Shaelyn loves to sing all the Disney Princess songs she knows. Today she was dancing with a doll she has dubbed "Cinderella" and was waltzing and singing "So This is Love."
Shae: So this is America! That I've been dreaming of!
* 9/27 - My FAVORITE this month
Shaelyn is very aware of the fast forward function on our VCR. It takes away all the "scary parts" from the movies I let her watch. She has memorized when I start to fast forward, and will bring me the remote ahead of time with the request: Fast forward Mommy!
Tonight I prayed to break our fast over dinner, and said something along the lines of "we are grateful for our fast."
Shaelyn has to pray after whoever else has just prayed. So after my prayer, she said "Shaelyn's turn." And then she prayed:
"Thank you for FAST FORWARD!"
Shaelyn's favorite phrase to request from Daddy:
Peace in the middle east, man!
Now she says:
Peas uh-duh-mil-EE, man!
And then laughs hysterically.
And finally, this month the girls have figured out how to squeal and scream together while playing. I love it!