Shaelyn did not fall asleep until about 3:30 am and awoke again at 7:00 for a feeding. Needless to say, I was still tired and needed Shaelyn to fall back asleep so I could get some sleep. It took about an hour to lull her back to sleep, but by 8:00, we were both cuddled up on the couch for some much needed Zzz's. At 8:15, I began to hear Maggie come down the stairs. She was carrying a toy in her mouth, a toy Michael and I have dubbed the "jingle feather". It is a jingle bell and some feathers attached to a plastic fishing-pole type stick by an elastic string. It's one of Maggie's favorite interactive toys. And you know she's deprived of play time when she has to bring it to you. So here I am, laying on the couch, holding Shaelyn, and hearing "big sister" come down the stairs to play. You can imagine how I felt. To make matters worse, she began to cry when I didn't come acknowledge her right away. It started out as little meows, but after a few minutes, turned into the most heart-wrenching cries you've ever heard. I hadn't gotten up from the couch yet because I was afraid of waking Shaelyn. She can be a very light sleeper and lately, the slightest movement will wake her up and she is not easily put back to sleep. It had just taken me an hour to get her to go to sleep and I did not want to do that again. But the more Maggie cried, the more I realized I couldn't ignore her. I carefully lifted Shaelyn off of me and placed her in her bouncy seat. Of course she woke up! I then went to find Maggie. I knew I didn't have the energy for interactive play at the moment, but I wanted her to know that I still loved her. I petted her several times, opened the blinds for her to look out at the world, and got her mouse for her to play with on her own. She looked at me like she knew this was the kind of response she would get from me and went back up the stairs with a sense of dejection. I went back to the couch, happy to see that the bouncy seat had in fact put Shaelyn back to sleep, and cried until I fell asleep. I have since tried to play with Mags, but to no avail. I'm hoping that when Michael gets home tonight, he can cheer her up. I write this more for therapy for me than anything. I'm hoping that as Shaelyn gets more into a routine and is less demanding on my time that I will have more time and energy for Maggie. And I'm also hoping that the more time goes on, the more Maggie will get used to Shaelyn being a permanent part of our family. I wanted to include pictures we have recently taken of Maggie so that she could be a part of this blog, too.