Women are like lionesses at the gate of the home. . . . She guards that gate, and things matter to that family if they matter to her. . . . Sisters, you are each like the lioness at the gate. This means that there has to be some prioritizing. I was taught years ago that when our priorities are out of order, we lose power. If we need power and influence to carry out our mission, then our priorities have to be straight.

Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm so glad when Daddy is home...

...because we can have fun just being at home together! Since Shaelyn has been a little over-stimulated and over-traveled of late, we decided to play it simple for our little homebody and just stay home as a family this holiday weekend. Good decision. Our weekend was full of Shaelyn smiles, Shaelyn laughs, and Shaelyn happiness, which is what we love!

It was also full of:

Coloring/playing/picnicing in the backyard

And silly monkey puppets that make us flail and shake our heads in a very cute way

And bike rides

(A big thank you to our friends for letting us borrow their bike trailer for Rachelle. We haven't been able to go on a family bike ride since she was born because we didn't have a way to tote her along, too. Now we will be looking for one of these on craislist ourselves. If you see any, please send them our way.)

And even though Shaelyn looks like an uphappy orphan with her sad, dirty face - she was actually very excited to go on this bike ride. It's one of her favorite things to do, and she has really missed it lately.

And creative dinners

Chick-fil-a was doing one of their "free chicken sandwich" promotions. This time you had to dress up in your favorite football team's colors (pro or college). And yes I know we went to BYU. But we both grew up in Florida and this is a Gator house. But it always confuses people when they ask us what we studied or when we attended UF and we tell them we never went to school there.

But seriously, don't we make an adorable Gator family? While driving to Chick-fil-a, Shaelyn said "Mommy have an aligator, Daddy have an aligator, Chelle have an aligator, and Shaelyn have a crocodile!"

And one last funny note: that Gator cheerleader costume is a 12 month size, and aside from being too short for Shaelyn (which is why she has denim skirt on underneath), it totally fit her.