I'm not ready to declare it a success. It's only been
four nights. But it definitely has created a
buzz. Added some
excitement around here. I thought I'd pass it on in case you're having a hard time keeping your
very high maintenance child in bed at night. Oh, just me? Well, enjoy these
(not-so-much) pearls of wisdom anyway.
Logistics:-- She gets
5 "tickets" a night
(which we put into an old Huggies' wipes container each night, like a piggy bank)-- She
loses a ticket each time Michael or I have to go into her room
(which recently, before starting this new program, has been 4 or 5 times a night; since the tickets, only once or twice - and last night NOT AT ALL!!)-- Whatever tickets she has left in the morning get taped to the
"reward chart"(which "buys" her rewards like going to the county fair this weekend)So far she's been so excited about how many tickets she has - she's been constantly counting her reward chart. Every morning she comes
running to me, "bank" in hand, ready to count how many tickets still remain.
The few times I've had to go into her room, all it took was me saying out loud
"I'm taking a ticket" and walking over to the bank to get it. . . and suddenly
no more crying,
no more calling for Mommy at her door,
no more night time wandering.
Let's see
how long this lasts.